General questions

Get answers to common shower troubleshooting questions.

There should be a model name or number on the very front of your shower such as Mira Sport, Mira 415, Mira Coda. Alternatively, you can use our handy shower identification tool to help identify your model name or number.

Our experts are on hand to get your shower back up and running. Whether that is a new replacement shower or repair to an exsiting Mira shower, you can book your visit online 24/7 here. Alternatively, diagnose a fault with our handy tool full of helpful hints and tips above on this page. If you need any other assistance, contact us or phone 0800 001 4040 to speak to a member of our friendly customer service team.

Mira offer a repair service for out of guarantee products. We also supply a large range of spare parts and fittings. Call our Customer Service team on 0800 001 4040 or contact us for more information.

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