By Kerry Hale

Transform Your Bathroom Into A 5* Hotel

  • Thursday 22 November 2018
  • 5 minute read

There are many pleasures to be had in a hotel room. But apart from the obvious, that first moment when you peer inside the bathroom and discover the delights within is definitely one of the best. The tiles, the lighting, the shower, the taps, the tiny toiletries, all combine to make the hotel bathroom a destination in itself, as well as a great source of inspiration for your own bathroom.

Around the world, the luxury hotel market has never been so competitive, and hotels know that a supremely stylish, luxurious bathroom can make the difference between a repeat visit and a one night stand. So they are falling over themselves to provide their guests with opulent design and stylish touches that make their stay truly memorable.

But while most people’s hotel experience ends when the key is handed in and the account settled, there are a number of things you can do to get the hotel look in your own bathroom.

Light touches

Hotels have always understood that the key to a great-looking bathroom is lighting. A well-lit bathroom with carefully placed lights can not only make the room more welcoming, it can make you look absolutely fantastic – whatever the time of day. Go for a number of different lighting options, with recessed LED lights in the ceiling, small wall lamps, and a backlit mirror to eliminate any shadows. And if you want to make a real design statement, hang an opulent chandelier in the centre of the bathroom.

Matching luxury

A quick way to give your bathroom the hotel look is to buy new, matching towels. A neat arrangement of white, fluffy towels, along with an equally fluffy robe, will create an immediate sense of luxury and comfort. Towel quality is measured in gsm (grams per square metre) and high-end towels will be between 400-700gsm. Egyptian cotton towels are soft and highly absorbent, while towels made from Supima or Turkish cotton are even more luxurious. For the finishing touch, hang your towels on a heated towel rail so they’re nice and warm when you need them.

Small but perfectly formed

A simple way to make your home bathroom look like a hotel bathroom in seconds is to have a row of miniature bottles of luxury toiletries. As they’re small, even the most exclusive hand washes and hand creams will be relatively cheap, and you can really go to town with the ingredients. Try the geranium and orange hand cream by Neal’s Yard or the cotton haze hand soap by Meraki. And since it’s your own bathroom, you won’t feel compelled to nick them when you’re finished.

Jazz it up

Some of the world’s finest hotels are heavily inspired by – or indeed helped to create – art deco (think The Ritz or The Savoy) and with a few subtle changes you could be transported back to the jazz age. The key material is brass, so scour the local antique shops for brass bathroom fittings, small shelves and accessories for a genuine vintage look. And if you’re really lucky, you may find a vintage wash stand as a stunning example of art deco elegance.

Set shower to stun

Transforming your bathroom may be as simple as changing your shower head. There are a huge variety of shower heads on the market, with settings that give a different showering experience, whether you want a massaging, relaxing, soothing or natural spray. The Mira 360 showerhead has four settings, from Rain and Burst to Cloud and Storm, with unique FlipstreamTM technology that allows to you switch easily between modes.

Absolutely marble-ous

Bathroom design in luxury hotels tends to revolve around marble – marble tiles, marble flooring, even marble baths. But while your budget may not run to an entire bathroom made of marble, you can add this elegant material without breaking the bank (or reinforcing the floor). The key is accessories, so go for matching marble soap dishes, toothbrush holders and trinket trays for an opulent essence of hotel glamour.

Do Not Disturb

Finally, for that unique hotel touch, hang an elegant wooden ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door knob outside the bathroom. It may not make a blind bit of difference if you have children (especially if they can’t read yet) but it might just transport you into a hotel room and back into holiday mode.

Have you gone for the hotel look in your bathroom? Share your pictures with us on Facebook or Twitter.

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