By Kerry Hale

How To Remove And Fit A Bath Panel

  • Wednesday 30 June 2021
  • 5 minute read

Aside from freestanding baths, all baths require a bath panel. Bath panels are designed to hide the plumbing underneath your tub, and they also prevent water from getting underneath, which can lead to rot and mould. Depending on the type of bath you have and how it is positioned in your bathroom, you’ll need one, two or three panels – one for each side or end that is exposed. Whether you’re replacing an old one or installing a new one, fitting a bath panel is a relatively straightforward task, and by following our step-by-step guide, you can have the job done in just 30 minutes. Read on to find out how to remove an old bath panel and install a new one in no time at all.

What are bath panels made of?

Bath panels are typically made from either acrylic or wood (usually MDF). Here we’ll focus on how to fit an acrylic bath panel. Bath panels come in a range of sizes to fit baths of different shapes and sizes.

How to remove a bath panel

If you’re replacing an existing bath panel, then needless to say you’ll need to remove the current one first. This is usually relatively easy to do, though it can require a bit of elbow grease, especially if there’s rust or an overuse of sealant involved.

Bath panels are generally secured in place with either sealant, screws or both of the above. Work out which is the case for yours, and then get ready to remove your bath panel:

Removing a sealed bath panel

Use a sharp knife or a specific sealant removal tool to carefully cut through the sealant. Once you’ve made all the necessary incisions, you should be able to remove the panel with ease.

Removing a screwed-in bath panel

Your bath panel is likely to be attached by screws to both the wall and the floor, so use a screwdriver to remove them all. You may find that there’s also some silicone sealant holding the panel in place, so use a knife or sealant removal tool to cut through the sealant, and then remove the panel.

How to fit a bath panel

Before you begin, carefully inspect your new bath panel(s) for any signs of damage. It’s better to find any faults now than while you’re in the process of installing it.

You will need:

  • Spirit level
  • Cable detector
  • Electric drill
  • Wooden batons – two per panel. Once should be slightly shorter than the length (or width) of your bath, and one should be slightly shorter than the height of your bath.
  • Wood screws

If you’re fitting a side panel and an end panel, start with the end panel, following steps 1-3, then follow the steps again for the side panel.

Step 1

Set the bath to the right height, then place the panel in position against the bath and use a spirit level to check that it fits correctly.

If you’re unable to adjust the height of the bath, you may need to adjust the size of your panels. Some panels can be cut to fit. However, all bath panels are designed to fit perfectly with our range of baths.

Step 2

Use the spirit level to mark where the panel sits on the floor, and line your wooden batons up to these marks. Screw the batons to the floor and adjoining wall.

Note: Always check for pipes and wires using a detector before drilling into existing surfaces.

Step 3

Slide the panel under the rim of the bath and into place. All Mira bath panels have pre-drilled holes for you to use to secure the panel to the floor baton, using the supplied mirror screws.

If you’re securing an end panel and a side panel, now repeat steps 1-3 for the side panel, ensuring that the end panel fits inside the side panel.

Once you’ve done this, your bath panel installation is complete, though some installers will suggest you also seal the edges of the panels with a silicone sealant, so be sure to check the installation instructions for your specific panels.

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