Better lives

From sustainable innovation to how we engage with our communities, providing better lives for everyone is at the heart of our sustainability objectives.

UN sustainable development goals

We’re facing unprecedented challenges from climate change. As an employer, as well as a manufacturer, supplier and consumer of products, we have a huge part to play in helping to tackle them. And to help direct positive change across our business, we’ve adopted five key UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Sustainable innovation

We’ve been leaders in sustainable innovation for over 100 years. All our new products are developed with sustainability in mind – to integrate new technologies that use less water, encourage eco-conscious customer behaviour, and meet demanding energy rating requirements for new buildings.

More flow, same water

Our world-first, patented Mira Airboost technology increases your shower’s water flow by up to 30% – without using any more water.

Efficiency on show

The Mira Showers App puts precise water usage tracking in your hands – encouraging more eco-conscious showering that’s pocket and planet-friendly.

Simply smart savings

We’re making reducing water usage easy – our Eco models feature a built-in flow regulator that maintains pressure while saving up to 85% of water.

ESG report

We care deeply about enhancing the quality of life for current and future generations. We’re committed to ensuring we continue to operate within a safe, just and healthy world across the next 100 years. View our progress through our new Environmental, Social and Governance report.

“At Kohler Mira, we care about enhancing the quality of life for current and future generations. Over our 100-year history, we have led the way by investing in innovation to deliver world firsts that have improved the experiences for our users, both in domestic homes across the UK and critical healthcare environments.”

Emma Foster, Managing Director

More from Mira

Better workplace

By fostering a fair and respectful workplace, each and every one of our employees can achieve their full potential.

Better planet

We are committed to incorporating sustainability throughout our entire business in order to improve the environment for everyone.

Better community

We recognise the positive impact we can have on our local community and are focused on improving the lives of those around us.